Beyond the Verse

Rupert Brooke & The Romance of War (WWI Mini-Series) Season 2 Episode 1

In the opening episode of Season 2 of Beyond the Verse, the official podcast of and Poetry+, hosts Joe and Maiya launch into a three-part mini-series on First World War poets. 

The episode dives into the patriotic and idealistic poetry of Rupert Brooke, highlighting his early contributions before and at the onset of the war in 1914; Joe and Maiya explore Brooke’s background, his life as part of the Bloomsbury Group, and his literary works which capture the national mood of optimism and patriotism during the early months of WWI.

The episode covers a broader historical context, explaining the major battles and the unprecedented scale of loss during WWI. They discuss Brooke's celebrated poem, 'The Soldier,' and critique its heavy patriotic overtones, the glorification of England, and the troubling colonial implications inherent in its verses. Ultimately, the episode explores how Brooke's untimely death in 1915 shaped his legacy, marking him as a symbol of pre-war idealism that contrasts starkly with the later, more cynical war poetry of figures like Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen.

Joe and Maiya also delve into Brooke’s poem 'The Dead,' comparing its treatment of youth and sacrifice to the later poetry of Wilfred Owen, who offered a more visceral and critical view of war. The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding Brooke’s work within the context of his time while recognizing his unintentional role in framing the early 20th-century perception of war. 

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